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In a typical UK household, Energy Saving Trust believe, more than half the money spent on fuel bills goes towards providing heating and hot water. That’s why having an efficient and cost effective heating system is vital, even more so now we’ve all been spending so much time at home.

With over half of the UK (55%) having no experience in remote working, it’s important to better understand how this could have an impact on household bills, following our easy energy saving top tips to reduce your energy consumption and save money on your energy bills.

Showering Smart

Showers take up less water than baths, so less gas is used during the process. If you want to save some money, choose showers over baths. The next time you come back from a workout, attempt to shower for one minute less than usual. Doing this will save £7 a year on your energy bills per person. So, the more people you live with, the more you could save!

Be careful in the kitchen

Working from home can mean the kettle is seeing much more use, so take care to only fill the kettle with the amount of water you require, this will avoid the cost of re-boiling and re-filling unnecessarily and save yourself £6 a year.

for Gas cooker Repair and Services click here.

Stop heat escaping

You’ll be spending more time indoors, meaning you may have the heating on when you usually wouldn’t. Simple steps can be taken immediately to improve heat distribution in your home at no cost to you.

Radiators against outside walls can allow heat to escape. So, in order to prevent any further loss of heat, pull furniture slightly away from radiators to improve the circulation of air and make the radiator more efficient.

You should also ensure you open any curtains on the south side of the house during the day, as this will increase the solar gain into the house. At night, ensure they’re all closed properly to keep out the cold.

Change your homely habits

With extra time at home, you can look at changing some of your other inefficient habits. Outside of quick heating and hot water adjustments, there are several quick changes you can make around your working environment to further reduce costs.

For example, turning off laptop switches - and not leaving it on standby - could save you an extra £30 per year according to Energy Saving Trust, while brushing teeth or shaving with cold water would also help save further.

Taking control of your heating

If you already have a full set of heating controls, turning down your room thermostat by just one degree could save you £80 over the year - you’d barely notice the difference.

for smart thermostat set and repairs click here .

A room thermostat monitors the air temperature and enables you to set the level you want. If the room temperature drops below this level, the thermostat switches your boiler on. The recommended setting is around 21°C for comfort when at home relaxing or sitting in your temporary office. This can be more like 18°C when you’re active at home, rather than home working or sitting down relaxing.

To find the best temperature for your home, you must tailor it to your lifestyle. So find the temperature that suits you and keeps you comfortable whilst working from home and set your heating control to one degree less than this – say 20°C. Remember that you can wear layers too! 

Contact Us

If you have a problem with your boiler or any other aspect of your home utilities covered on your policy then you can share your concern in Chat box provided in our website or contact our friendly office team on 0191 406 0888. They'll arrange for an engineer to visit as soon as possible to get you back up and running. Book online

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